World Asthma Day
May the 7th is World Asthma Day!!
Are you using your reliever ‘blue’ inhaler more than 2-3 times a week?
Does your asthma limit your activities?
Do you wake in the night with asthma symptoms?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, the chances are your asthma is not optimally controlled. The Practice nurses at Sherburn Group Practice are trained in asthma management and can help you get in control of your asthma symptoms using new research and treatment plans!
If you haven’t had an asthma review in the last 12 months or you are worried about asthma control, book an appointment with them now!
Are you aware of the environmental impact of your inhalers? Please click on the link below for more information. If you would like to change the type of inhaler you use, we can book you an appointment with one of our pharmacists to discuss this with you
How inhalers affect the environment | Asthma + Lung UK (
Is your inhaler technique effective? Poor inhaler technique often has a significant impact on symptom control. Please click on the link below for more information. If you think your inhaler technique is impacting your symptom control please book an appointment with one of our practice nurses who will support you to improve your technique or suggest an alternative inhaler that will better suit you